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09 December, 2005

Ryan Carnes

I watched Desperate Housewives, season 1, and find this super cute guy, actor named Ryan Carnes. He is playing Justin - a gay friend of John - Gabrielle's gardener. I liked his looks so much, that I started to investigate about him on the internet, and found out that he also played in a gay themed movie Eating Out. I tried to somehow get this movie, I was even prepared to buy it in US over net, and then I found this torrent, and of course imediately download it. Liked it a lot, almost fell in love with Ryan (he is also playing gay in Eating Out), and then slowly forgot about it.

Yesterday I watched latest Desperate Housewives episode, and he apeared again. This time as a lover of Bree's son Andrew. He has a new haircut, and is of course still cute as hell! He is not really gay, he just happend to play gay roles. His next movie will be released next year, and it will be titled Surf School - he will be a hot surfing stud, so I can't wait to see it:)

He is 23 years old, and lives in Pittsfield, Illinois.

More about him here and here.


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